The "Huilensidad": Otherness for identity

La 'Huilensidad': alteridad para la identidad


Carlos Javier Martínez González

The "Huilensidad" and the way to construct it and live it from certain patterns, views and cultural interpretations, readings and recreations of the world that surrounds the inhabitants of a territory that has tried its idea of ​​identity from the insularity imposed by conditions disadvantages has been the subject of some scritos. Such insularity could explain the image and the self-image of the Huilense as a contemplative, bucolic, pastoral, and welcoming with a rooted attachment to their traditions, which makes them see other worlds, other possibilities, other horizons as anthropologically strange.

Apparently, the problem, rather than tangible structures, obeys to closed mental structures, which are mediated by the sparse language, the unalterable attitude towards the perennial and the ephemeral, the low vocation for knowledge, for the mastery of new ones. grammars' to read or interpret the world and by the passive acceptance of the other.

The intention is to offer an interpretive discussion of the process of identity construction of Huila, which - in our opinion has been developed, consciously or unconsciously, from the perspective assumed by the identity as a process of negation of the other and not of its recognition, that is, the otherness, addressed in its political and cultural relevance, since it expresses a movement of interpretation and meaning that allows us to 'be the other', to place ourselves or to constitute ourselves as that 'other', reflecting the meaning and the need to build identity without the need to exclude it.



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Author Biography / See

Carlos Javier Martínez González, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor Departamento de Psicopedagogia

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