Creation and application of learning objects for the teaching of English: a significant experience of the students of seminar of update on professional development of the program of Degree in Foreign Language - English of the Surcolombiana University

Creación y aplicación de objetos de aprendizaje para la enseñanza del inglés: una experiencia significativa de los estudiantes de seminario de actualización sobre desarrollo profesional del programa de Licenciatura en Lengua extranjera - inglés de la USCO


Sonia Amparo Salazar

The present work corresponds to a descriptive study with a mixed approach that has as purpose to know the meaning that the students of seminar of update on professional development of the Foreign Language teaching program - English, the creation and application of learning objects for Teaching English. This research was advanced with the methodology of action research taking into account the cycles suggested by Sandin, (2003), which are: detect the research problem, classify it and diagnose it; formulate a plan or program to solve the problem; implement the plan and evaluate results.



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Author Biography / See

Sonia Amparo Salazar, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesora Departamento de Psicopedagogía Facultad de Educación

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México, D.F.: McGraw-Hill.

Ministerio de Comunicaciones (2008). Plan Nacional de las TIC Bogotá, Colombia.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional (2008). Programa Nacional de Nuevas tecnologías. Bogotá, Colombia. Recuperado en:

Osorio, B., Muñoz, J., Álvarez, F. y Arévalo, C. Metodología para elaborar Objetos de Aprendizaje e integrarlos a un Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje.

Universidad Surcolombiana, Facultad de Educación (2007) Acuerdo 074. Neiva, Colombia.

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