Analysis of strategies and instruments of assessment in learning english as a foreign language

Análisis de las estrategias e instrumentos de evaluación en el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera


Maritza Eugenia Ordoñez Delgado
Jessica Rodríguez Nomely

The purpose of this study is to analyze the evaluation instruments and strategies used by the teachers in the course of English as a foreign language in early childhood, through a differentiation between what is evaluation and qualification. This allows us to see how each of them contributes to enduring learning (formative evaluation), which transcends the learning of boys and girls, giving meaning to knowledge and what they recognize. The qualification seeks the memorization of a subject, in order to obtain a grade; examines, measures and certifies what is right or wrong; this can lead to the student losing interest in learning; for this reason the concern arose to know if the teachers qualify or evaluate, taking into account that the formative evaluation is one that takes into consideration the learning rhythms of the children, and allows the use of different non-qualifying instruments that favor the teaching of the foreign language.



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Author Biographies / See

Maritza Eugenia Ordoñez Delgado, Universidad San Buenaventura Bogotá

Universidad de San Buenaventura Licenciada en educación para la primera infancia Grupo de investigación TAEPE Semillero A.E.I -aprendiendo a evaluar en la infancia

Jessica Rodríguez Nomely, Universidad San Buenaventura Bogotá

Universidad de San Buenaventura, Licenciada en educación para la primera infancia, Grupo de investigación TAEPE, Semillero A.E.I -aprendiendo a evaluar en la infancia


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