Interdiscipline, visual culture and artistic education in Chile: from the standardized test to the invisibilization of the arts in school

Interdisciplina, cultura visual y educación artística en Chile: de la prueba estandarizada a la invisibilización de las artes en la escuela


Patricia Fernanda Quintana Figueroa
The following article arises from a project with an interdisciplinary approach in a Public Industrial Lyceum of the city of Valdivia, Chile. The Project initially diagnoses the strong devaluation of the Visual Arts Subject within a context of Technical Education, including the idea of complementary subject or second category since it is not within any standardized evaluation. It looks at the vision of the Ministry of Education in relation to the interdisciplinary approach and the importance of this in the school. The new changes in the curricula of visual arts are considered as from 2014, where interdisciplinary and visual culture are key perspectives in the development of programs of future studies for secondary education. From the reflections, we exemplify the development of interdiscipline and the understanding of visual culture through an art and physics project with an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to change the perception of these disciplines in students, through a workshop that will address the issues related to light and its use in photography and screen- printing.


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Author Biography / See

Patricia Fernanda Quintana Figueroa, Universidad Austral de Chile

Candidata a Magíster en Educación Artística

Docente Programa Formación Pedagógica Universidad Austral de Chile

Profesora de Artes Visuales, Liceo Industrial de Valdivia/Instituto Italia de Valdivia, Chile


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