Southern epistemologies: confluences, synergies and epistemic-educational projections

Epistemologías del Sur: confluencias, sinergias y proyecciones epistémico-educativas


Sergio Alejandro Toro Arévalo
Hugo Campos Winter
Nicolás Iglesias Mills
Karen Lehnebach Figueroa
Alluitz Riezu García

The present work is based on the antecedent that traditional science is reproduced through education, typical of the positivist paradigm, constituting a technical-instrumental interest translated into the control of the environment, founding a technoscience centered on efficiency and efficiency, which is presented as one of the causes of global problems, for example, environmental crises and destruction of social tissues. Nevertheless, a situated-critical paradigm with the interests of situated-emancipatory knowledge emerges today. This paradigm is constructed from the pluralist dialogue between southern epistemologies, typical of knowledge and communities denied by normal and hegemonic science. Our interest is to contribute to the visibility of the emergence of southern epistemologies, studying the main epistemic nodes of Francisco Varela, Humberto Maturana, Leonardo Boff and Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Under the hypothesis that these epistemic elements converge complementarily, they make synergy in the emergence of new properties and epistemic conditions that are projected towards the epistemic-educational sphere. In the intersection and dialogical analysis, the categories emerged: human being as care, construction of knowledge as situated induction, learning as transformation in the bond and curriculum as ecology of knowledge. These categories are defined by the complementarity between the epistemic elements and the consequences of their application in the epistemic-educational sphere are interpreted. It concludes with a synthetic outline of an epistemic-educational proposal and discusses the limits and projections of the present study.



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Author Biographies / See

Sergio Alejandro Toro Arévalo, Universidad Austral de Chile

Doctor en ciencias de la educación mención didácticaDocente Universidad Austral de Chile

Hugo Campos Winter, Universidad Austral de Chile

Candidato a doctor en Ciencias Humanas Mención Discurso y Cultura - Docente Universidad Austral de Chile

Nicolás Iglesias Mills, Universidad Austral de Chile

Magíster en Educación Mención Política y Gestión Educativa - Docente Universidad Austral de Chile

Karen Lehnebach Figueroa, Universidad Austral de Chile

Magíster en Educación Mención Política y Gestión Educativa - Docente Universidad Austral de Chile

Alluitz Riezu García, Universidad Austral de Chile

Magíster en Educación Mención Política y Gestión Educativa - Docente Universidad Austral de Chile

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