The emotional competence in people with deafness

La competencia emocional en personas con sordera


Carla Díaz Salazar Iglesias
The present review aims to develop an approach to the knowledge of the emotional world that is experiencing the pupils with deafness (with or without cochlear implant), mainly in those aspects related to the emotional competence, as are the identification, management, understanding and expression of emotions. Throughout this work is analyzed ten studies carried out in different parts of the world that deal with this subject, together with contributions from other research or authors that are related to the same,
developing to turn a comparison with the students listener in regard to these competencies. It is also deepened in the need to develop these emotional skills in the school and in this collective especially, recalling that the harmonious development of every being is an intrinsic relationship with the field of emotion that conforms him.


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Author Biography / See

Carla Díaz Salazar Iglesias, institución pública CEIP Ramón y Cajal de Vigo (España)

Magister en trastornos del lenguaje - Maestra de audición y lenguaje de la institución pública CEIP Ramón y Cajal de Vigo (España) -

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