Didactic units as a strategy to strengthen scientific competence explanation of phenomena

Unidades didácticas como estrategia para fortalecer la competencia científica explicación de fenómenos


Danny Javier Suárez Velandia

The present investigation was carried out with students of the sixth grade of the Educational Institution of Our Lady of Carmen in the subject of Biology. The proposal was born from the analysis of the SABER 2016 tests according to ICFES (2016) of grades 5 and 9, which allowed observing weaknesses in the area of Natural Sciences. These weaknesses were marked by low results in the explanation of phenomena, so it was determined to use didactic units as the strategy to strengthen this competence.

An action research methodology with a qualitative approach was used. The development of the research began with a diagnostic test that allowed to determine the initial state of the students for the explanation of phenomena competence.

Two didactic units were implemented under the theme of cellular functioning. Each of these units was developed through printed guides using role play activities, analogies, cause and effect relationships, modeling and experimental activities.

As a result of the implemented strategy, it was possible to strengthen student modeling, cause and effect relationships and student motivation.

It can be concluded that the use of teaching units allowed for the strengthening of the competence explanation of phenomena in the students of the educational institution Nuestra Señora del Carmen.



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Author Biography / See

Danny Javier Suárez Velandia, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Ingeniero de producción biotecnológica - Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander


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