Initial training of an inclusive teaching staff: Progress and perspectives in the physical education teaching program from Austral University of Chile


Mauricio Alejandro Miranda Nahuelquin Universidad Austral de Chile

The present research intends to analyze the teaching competences in students of the Pedagogy of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation course of the Austral University of Chile for the management of people with special educational needs in formal educational contexts. This concern was born due to another investigation that reveals a scarce preparation in the formation of the students of Pedagogy in Physical Education of the Austral University of Chile, who express a lack of knowledge of the terms and how to deal with people in a situation of disability. The focus of the research is the interpretative one, based on the methodology of qualitative research, and the design is of Phenomenological character. The instrument used in the study is the semi-structured interview, validated by an expert, and recorded for a better understanding and understanding of each of the subjects. The results indicate that an advance in the career of Pedagogy in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation of the Austral University of Chile can be evidenced, due to the new elective taught in the race.



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Author Biographies / See

Mauricio Alejandro Miranda Nahuelquin, Universidad Austral de Chile

Licenciado en Educación

Pierre Richard Médor, Universidad Austral de Chile

Magíster en educación mención política y gestión educativas - licenciado en Educación Física y Deporte de la Escuela Internacional de educación física y Deporte (EIEFD), Cuba, postulante al Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO).


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