School Management Conditions in the Inclusion Process in an Educational Institution in Neiva, Colombia


Jaiza Gibeth Polanía Castañeda
Cecilia Benavides Esteban
José Leary Lozano Losada
Diana Carolina Cruz Rivera
Sandy Tatiana Parra Gómez Institución Educativa INEM Julián Mota Salas

This article contains the state of school management to develop the educational inclusion process addressed to disabled students at INEM Julián Motta Salas school in Neiva, Huila, Colombia. Based on local culture, school policies and inclusive practices, Main hindrances as well as facilitating aspects of school management were identified by means of a Likert - type questionnaire which measured the inclusion index in educational institutions.

Major results concerning to directive management are related to strategic addressing, institutional horizon, school government, and relations with the environment. Regarding the academic field; results have to do with lack of design and inclusive pedagogical practices, which from curriculum planning and revision integrate inclusive policies. In terms of financial management there are weaknesses connected with support to academic management, human talent and accounting financial support. As for community demarche, activities related to inclusive values that encourage parents and legal guardians to foster inclusion in the community are required.

In connection with facilitators, it was established that school atmosphere, the way its facilities are managed, and complementary services constitute a strength.

Finally, the design and implementation of an institutional inclusion policy that allows a high quality pertinent service that cares for learning styles and capacities considering student diversity as well as the periodical application of the inclusion process evaluation instrument is recommnded.



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