Pedagogical practices developed with underachieving students at an educational center in Neiva
The research analyzed the pedagogical practices developed with students who present educational underachievement, in a public school in Neiva city, from a qualitative research line with an ethnographic methodology, where in-depth interviews and participant observation were used as instruments for data collection, whereas for the analysis process, elements of grounded theory were used through a self-developed matrix Educational underachievement is approached as an alteration in the learning processes that do not enable students to perform based on their capacities; it manifests itself as a difficulty to learn in general or in specific areas and, in school maladjustment, this problem is outside of medical and psychological diagnosis. Therefore, the students have been made invisible. The analysis allowed us to conclude that these pedagogical practices occur under pressure between the intentions of teachers, who, in their planning, recognize the diversity of situations that may arise, knowing the learning difficulties and the need to make the processes developed more flexible; however, these intentions are altered when they are put into practice due to different situations such as attitude, school relationships, resources, space availability and the influence of the family's relationship with the school, turning them into learning experiences influenced by the context, directed by a curriculum that standardizes education, minimizing it to the evaluation of results.
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