The Playful.. ingredient of games?

Lúdica...¿Ingrediente del juego?


Fabio Enrique Barbosa Mahecha

1. The term playful is constantly being talked by everyone in the present.This is because, the theorists of education; human development and other professionals, interact in the search for alternatives that favor the general development, in people have rescued it from the place where it was, to locate it as a dynamic element in the processes of change, appropriation and transformation of knowledge, science and technology, as well as the processes of creativity and innovation



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Author Biography / See

Fabio Enrique Barbosa Mahecha, Universidad Surcolombiana

Docente Educación Física


Bruner, Jerone. Acción, Pensamiento y Lenguaje. Alianza Editorial.

Le Boulch, Jean. Hacia una Ciencia del Movimiento Humano. Editorial Paidos.

Restrepo, Luis Carlos. La Trampa de la Razón. Arango Editores.

Restrepo, Luis Carlos. El Derecho a la Ternura. Arango Editores.

Vigostky L, S. El Proceso de los Desarrollos Superiores. Editorial Crítica.

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