The process of learning must be given to a total brain

El proceso de aprendizaje debe darse a cerebro total


Luis Humberto Alvarado Castañeda

The process of learning must be given by exploring all the possibilities, so the students can discover their real capacities through them in the path to knowledge and integral development.

The teacher needs to take into account that each student is a different universe because the hundred thousand of millions brain cells that organize the brain have the most unexpected conections. this is because as of the pregnancy itself, the encounter  with the environment where it is born and especially  with the first people who interact will mark the brain conformation, with the infinity of neural conections that age in childhood, whose are referred to the neuroscience intellectuals. Among them, the Colombian scientist Rodolfo Llinás, and the Northamerican neurobiologist Carla Shatz from the University of California-Berkeley, Patricia Kuhl from University of Washington; and Harry Chugani, the neuropaediatrician  from University of the state of Wayne in Detroit. They make sure that the neural conection that does not achieve the first 10 years of life, will be very difficult to develop in the adult age. This means that if the children do not have opportunity to respond adequately to the first challenges that the ryhthm of life imposes. Hardly, it is going to have the capacity  of developing new smart strategies of knowledge and transformation of the reality, not only for themselves, but for the society in which they are immersed.



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Author Biography / See

Luis Humberto Alvarado Castañeda, Universidad Surcolombiana

Mag. Desarrollo Educativo y Social. Coordinador de Práctica. Docente Departamento de Lenguas Modernas
Universidad Surcolombiana


Armstrong, Thomas Multiple intelligences in the classroom. Alexandra, Virginia. USA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Chugani, Harry (1996). Reporte de avance científico de investigación neuropediátrica. Universidad de Wayne, Detroit, USA.

Gardner, Howard (1983). Frames of mind: the theory of multiple intelligences. New York.

Haggerty, Brian (1994). Nurturing intelligences. Menlo Park, California, Addison. Wesley.

Kuhl, Patricia (1995). E l desarrollo neurobiológico del niño. Universidad de Washington.

Llinás, Rodolfo (1995). Las neurociencias. Revista de Investigaciones científicas. EEUU.

Multiple intelligences: 1993. The theory in practice. New York.

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