From the grammatical perspective to the communicative perspective

De la perspectiva gramatical a la perspectiva comunicativa


Rubén Arboleda Toro

I thank all the authors that has chosen me for this presentation. it obeys to it my labor in the field of  growing the mother language. I want to get used to the idea that with the idea of the program of spanish languafe and educative communication since it was launched as linguistics and literature since the time it started the promissory project  Atlas Lingüístico del Huila, that in my opinion, it retains features of validity and necessity, even in its relative forgetfulness, as can be seen from other socio-dialectal and even pedagogical projects underway, around which it would be worthwhile to dialogue at more relevant moments. Normally a reader approaches a book with an expectation or as they say with a reading hypothesis, whose checking or disproving nothing says in principle of the author or the reader taken independently; simply constitutes the meeting or initial disagreement of them. With the book of Justo and María Teresa I experienced an initial disagreement: I expected a systematization of experiences of development of the communitarian competence in the formal school. But why did you expect a systematization? In principle, because I'm used to that kind of works, because it corresponds to the kind of works I've written. But this fact says nothing valiantly about the book itself; it is simply our first relationship, that of the book and I, a relationship of bewilderment, which became harmonious as I devoted myself to understand the book I had in hand, to discover it, and not what my predisposition expected.



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Arboleda, Rubén (1987). "La Reforma Curricular: el caso de Español y Literatura", en Revista Colombiana de Educación, Bogotá, Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad Pedagógica, No, 18.

Arboleda, Rubén (1991). “Lengua escrita y rendimiento escolar” en la revista Forma y Función, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional, Departamento de Lingüística, N o.5, 1991, p. 98.

Arboleda, Rubén (1989). El conocimiento sobre la enseñanza del lenguaje: estudio bibliográfico selectivo, Bogotá, Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad Pedagógica.

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