Reading and Writing

Lectura y escritura


José Antonio Ardila A.

The main purpose of this article is to start a mean of communication between the readers and the writers  that somehow like this thematic by looking a bigger solidity in the ownership of ideas that here I pose, the ones that basically range in claiming around: what is and what is not learning to read and write, what is and what is not teaching to read and write. In the same way I present some precisions about the importance of these processes (reading and writing) in the learning in general and in the congnitive and social development of the infants.



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Author Biography / See

José Antonio Ardila A., Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor de matemáticas en la Universidad Surcolombiana de Neiva


BetteLhein, B y Zelan, K (1989). Aprenderá leer. Barcelona: Crítica.

Castorina, J A., Ferreiro, E y Lerner, D (1996). Piaget. Vigotsky: Contribuciones para replantear el debate. Buenos Aires: Paidós S.A.

Jiménez C, A (1996). La lúdica como experiencia cultural. Santafé de Bogotá: Cooperativa Edit. Magisterio.

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