Mathematics as a tool in the construction and recognition of the environment.

La matemática como herramienta en la construcción y conocimiento del entorno


John Freddy Ramírez Casallas


All our students belong to particular environments that are quite complex. These are composed of kind of elements (such as cultural, social, historical, physical, and so on). These environments are transformed when the students migrate or when without migrating, there are geographical, cultural or social changes. In consequence, we must accept that the environments evolve. This evolution is given because in its inside, it is occurring the transformations of the elements that compose the environment, as of the relationships between these and with other environments are presented. Such changes can be caused by internal or external factors. This is the case of the El Niño phenomenon that has caused, in our localities, hydrological transformations (decrease or increase in water channels), social changes (ways of dressing, summer periods), etc.



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Author Biography / See

John Freddy Ramírez Casallas, Universidad del Tolima

Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física de la Universidad del Tolima. Maestro temporal del Instituto Microempresarial El Totumo, Ibagué.


Eco, Humberto. Tratado de Semiótica General. Segunda edición, Editorial Lumen (Barcelona).

Ramírez, John Freddy (1997). Acercamientos a un modelo democrático en la enseñanza de la física, 1997. Trabajo de grado presentado para optar el título de Licenciado en Matemáticas y Física, Universidad del Tolima.

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