Magical realism in the current Polish Constitution

El realismo mágico en la vigente Constitución Polaca


Krystian Complak

In every national constitution, there are abstract notions prone to polysemy and also, there are dysfunctional government bodies in the respective State. In Polish primary law, there are plenty of these types of notions. The author examines only nine of these notions: God, Human Family, common well-being, Human Dignity, Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land, the legislative power of the Congress and Senate, the President of the Republic as the highest representative, local self-government, and the residential court. The author shows the chimera of these concepts or government bodies. For instance, upon analyzing the five institutions, the author demonstrates that some of them do not even work (residential court) or do not have the characteristics given by the Constitution: the head of State is not the chief representative, the local government is not autonomous, both parliamentary chambers are not equally legislative, the supremacy of law is established but not practiced. With the four vague concepts, it is even worst. It is tough to know what they mean. In the end, the author suggests more research on the subject. If these conclusions are proven within other constitutional jurisdictions, one will be able to establish deeper understandings on the observed phenomenon.



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Author Biography / See

Krystian Complak, Universidad de Wroclaw

Profesor Universidad de Wroclaw - Polonia

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