Legal treatment of terrorism for the Colombian guerilla FARC as part of transitional justice

Tratamiento jurídico al terrorismo para la guerrilla colombiana FARC- en el marco de la justicia transicional


Gabriel Pantoja Narváez

This article is the result of a theoretical investigation that conduces the author to the Title of Master in Studies of Terrorism aimed to determinate the postulated true Peace Agreement against an eminently politician agreement seeking for a negotiated end to a Violent conflict where actors who use violence pretending a monopolization, dialogue with the States to allow their participation in the exercise of political power.

However, during the violent periods in Colombia, crimes and social reprehensible conducts have been committed not only from the inner normativity but also from the international regulations where Terrorism has been described as an 'atrocious crime' that has a connection to the political crime which would prevent the political Participation of the subversive group.

From the deductive methodology with a critical analytical approach and through the historical-hermeneutical method, it was able to see the possible consequences from the legal system of both international and national, and the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court which since the validity of the Constitution of 1991, it occurred in the terrorism line allowing to conclude that the legal treatment of terrorism in the context of transitional justice obeys a sui generis form where there is no relationship with the political crime but their benefits do apply to the authors of this crime.



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Author Biography / See

Gabriel Pantoja Narváez, Institución Universitaria CESMAG

Profesor Institución Universitaria CESMAG

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