Current manifestations of the right to work in Colombia

Manifestaciones actuales del derecho al trabajo en Colombia


Edna Suley Ortiz Rojas
Gabriel Orlando Realpe Benavidez

The work is conceived in our Political Constitution that defines Colombia in a Social State of Right as a fundamental principle, understood not only as the use of human force in the transformation of the nature in the process of production for its subsistence but a Constitutional protection to work in dignified and fair conditions. This article deals with the definition of the concept of work, and how it has been established in fundamental law and the protection obtained at legal, normative and jurisprudential level; it covers the new forms of bonding that are presented in the productive sector according to the modality of work, its classification and the tendency towards labor outsourcing along with its implications; finally, it refers to the protection mechanisms that can be used with regard to labor and social security rights of workers and the importance of the principle of primacy of reality over formality in labor relations.



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