The Right to the Environment in Spain
The text addresses the constitutional formalization of the right to a healthy environment in Spain, highlighting its inclusion in the 1978 Constitution as part of the constitutionalism that emerged after World War II. This right is recognized as a guiding principle of social and economic policy and as a subjective right of citizens, reflecting a sensitivity towards environmental protection in the context of the post-Franco democratic transition. The article explores the influence of European Union law on the Spanish legislative framework in environmental matters, as well as the interaction between the competencies of the State and the Autonomous Communities. It also analyzes constitutional jurisprudence that has interpreted the content of this right and its relationship with other fundamental rights, emphasizing the complexity of its protection and the challenges in its effective implementation. Finally, the text examines the effectiveness of constitutional and jurisdictional mechanisms for environmental protection, noting the limitations and possibilities of the Spanish legal system in ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment.
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