National Council of Justice, Separation of powers and judicial review: A Brazilian case study

Consejo Nacional de Justicia, la separación de poderes y la revisión judicial: Un estudio del caso de Brasil


Gabriel Dias Marques da Cruz
This paper studies the impact of the creation of a new organ inside the Brazilian Judiciary structure, named the “National Council of Justice”, which was the result of a specific constitutional amendment. The emersion of this new power created a huge discussion about the principle of separation of powers in the country, specially faced by the Supreme Court in Case n° 3367, decided in 2006. Firstly, the article shows the main arguments used by the most important Brazilian Court to confront the issue. Moreover, this research aims to present, in an original way discussed in the author’s PhD thesis, a new function personally advocated for this “National Council of Justice” regarding the systematization of judgments under Brazilian judicial review framework. It could bring a new understanding of division of functions in Brazil and possibly in Latin America, considering the reality of its development by one entity which doesn't belong to the democratic circuit.


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Author Biography / See

Gabriel Dias Marques da Cruz

Posdoctorado en Derecho Público

Universidad de São Paulo.

Profesor de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política,

Universidad Fedral de Bahia (Brasil).


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