Effectiveness of Administrative and Judicial Benefits in the Penitentiary and Prison Medium Security of the Neiva between 2012 to 2014

Efectividad de los Beneficios Administrativos y Judiciales en el Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Mediana Seguridad de Neiva entre los años 2012 a 2014


Oscar Huber Zúñiga Córdoba
In an effort to strengthen the fulfillment of the mission that the university as an academic institution, as well as the purpose of contributing to state policies in prisons and jails matter herein product of joint work poses with the Establishment Medium Security prison and Prison Neiva (EPMSC - of Neiva), which seeks to analyze the effectiveness and the context in which they have developed administrative and judicial benefits they are entitled to the prison population, and the impact of such devices in the prison context and social dynamics. This involves a legal analysis of the benefits, applications of the beneficiaries and the interpretation and application by the Judges of Executions of Grief and Safety Measure. Similarly, the knowledge among inmates of these benefits will be addressed, due process at each stage of the requests and the reasons for granting or not these benefits. It is noteworthy that this research is of cardinal relevance in view of the current problem of prison overcrowding suffered by the country, since within the purposes that inspire these legal instruments is established that the same I serve as a measure a priori to decongest the centers imprisonment, besides being tools should be designed within resocialization strategies, typical of a correctional treatment that prisoners must undergo before leaving and returning to the community.


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Author Biography / See

Oscar Huber Zúñiga Córdoba, Universidad Surcolombiana

Magíster en Educación, Universidad Surcolombiana Profesor,

Castro, N. (2009). Realidad penitenciaria y derecho humanos (Tesis de maestría) Universidad internacional de Andalucía, España.

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