Author Guidelines

The works must be unpublished and elaborated in Word file. The document must be written in accordance with international standards for submission of articles in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), sixth edition. It must not exceed 10 letter-sized pages, double spaced, in Times New Roman font at 12 points. The first page of the document should include: title of the document (in Spanish and English), summary in Spanish (150 words maximum), keywords, abstract in English (150 words maximum), key words, institutional affiliation of the authors, correspondence and recognitions. At the end of the document, the list of references must be listed alphabetically following the Editorial Style of the APA and keeping an exact relationship with the citations that are presented in the text.

In addition to the above, you must fill out the form "Declaration of originality and assignment of rights for the dissemination of the article", which can be downloaded here: Download. This must be attached with the respective article.

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