Social representations on subjectivity, immersed in the pedagogical practices of students with diverse abilities

Representaciones sociales sobre subjetividad, inmersas en las prácticas pedagógicas de estudiantes con capacidades diversas


Julián Alberto Vanegas López
Angie Katherine Castillo Caycedo
Fabián Fernando Cuellar Urriago
Alicia Fernanda Vargas Bahamón

In Neiva there are currently educational centers that carry out inclusion programs with children and adolescents in a condition of disability, but, in addition to the existing regulations, it is necessary to know what are the social representations of the subject who are immersed in the pedagogical practices of teachers within from the classroom? In addition, it is pertinent to interrogate by subjectivity, when people with diverse abilities are reduced to a biological condition and cease to enhance other dimensions of their development. The research question that is proposed as an objective to answer is: What are the social representations of the teachers of an Educational Institution in the city of Neiva about subjectivity in their students with diverse abilities? The analysis of the data was carried out through the categories of beliefs and practices, the search of these categories was carried out in the grouping of common patterns expressed in the teachers' stories. The results reveal three central hypotheses: need for control, to ignore their sexuality and without identity. It was concluded that the pedagogical intervention of teachers points to the need for control over the behavior of students with diverse abilities, which becomes an ignorance of their subjectivity in terms of denying their sexuality and not having an identity that represent before the world.



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