Stage distribution of breast cancer at University Hospital in Neiva, 2011

Distribución por estadios del cáncer de mama en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva, 2011


Jorge Ramos
Leila Benaissa
Geovanny Ahumada
Favio Rivas

Early diagnosis of breast cancer represents 90% survival when treated in early stages and 20% survival when diagnosed in late stages. It was performed a cross-sectional study with 123 patients suffering from breast cancer confirmed by histopathology. The aim is to identify the clinical stage of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis in users from Oncology Unit at Hospital Universitario Hernando Moncaleano Perdomo of Neiva in 2011; information was collected by reviewing patients’ medical history with the help of a questionnaire filled out by the researchers. Results. 76.29% of patients were diagnosed in locally advanced stage (IIB - IIIB), being the most frequent stage IIB (32.56%); 90.37% of cases are infiltrating ductal type. Patients are diagnosed when they are at an average age of 51; there was a relationship between positive estrogen receptors over 50 years of age and progesterone receptors (P=0.05, X2= 73.45). There was a Spearman correlation between cancer stage and the period when surgery is performed on the patient, obtaining a positive coefficient “low” of 0.275 (p = 0.008) IC 95% (0.08 - 0.46). Finally, it was found association between social security scheme and stage breast cancer variables and X2 8.05 (P = 0.005). It was concluded that in the Oncology Unit there are 1, 2 times more chances that a patient, belonging to subsidized scheme and / or involved, is in locally advanced stage.




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Author Biographies / See

Jorge Ramos, Universidad Surcolombiana

Enfermero profesional. Epidemiólogo.

Leila Benaissa, Universidad Surcolombiana

MD, Epidemiólogo.

Geovanny Ahumada, Universidad Surcolombiana, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

MD, Epidemiólogo, Universidad Surcolombiana. Especialista en Gerencia de la Calidad y Auditoría en Salud - Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia.

Favio Rivas, Universidad Surcolombiana.

MD, Docente epidemiología.

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