Nosocomial Infections in the Internal Medicine and Surgery Service at Hospital Universitario in Neiva, 2012
Infecciones intrahospitalarias en servicios de medicina interna y cirugía del Hospital Universitario de Neiva, 2012
Healthcare Acquired Infections (HAI) represent a health problem that has an economic and social impact on population. In order to describe NIs suffered by patients in Internal Medicine and Surgery service of University Hospital in Neiva, in 2012, HAI it was conducted a quantitative, observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study to analyze these cases. Population was made of patients suffering from any HAI during 2012. Sample consisted of 92 patients (34 from the Internal Medicine Service and 58 from Surgery). It was found that the most affected age group suffering from NI was 63 to 92 years in internal medicine and 18 to 47 years in Surgery. The most affected gender was masculine by 71,74%. 32,6% of the nosocomial infections were systemic and the most common infectious agent was K. pneumoniae (28,3%). In conclusion there were 6 cases of NI per each 100 outpatients from the internal medicine and Surgery service and the masculine gender was the most inclined to develop NI in the internal medicine service (X2=9,4). NI behavior at this hospital was similar to those describe in the literature, especially in public institutions from limited budget countries.
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