Ketamine: State of the art

Ketamina: Estado del arte


Daniel Rivera Tocancipá
Piedad Alexandra Susunaga Meneses
Miguel Antonio Pérez G.

Purpose. The use of ketamine was never limited to the specialty of anesthesia. Even in its origins, it was more important its pure analgesic effect rather than the anesthetic effect. The aim of this article is to review the current literature on ketamine and its use in different scenarios, aimed at general practitioners, pre hospital personnel and anesthesiologists. Findings. Despiteit was used as a recreational drug, and is considered as having harmful effects upon the Central Nervous System (CNS), nowadays it is used for the management of acute postoperative pain and chronic pain, which makes this drug a versatile pharmacological tool that has a positive impact on one of the most frequent symptoms in the inpatient and outpatient medical consultation: pain. Methodology. A narrative review was developed under the following terms; MesH ketamine, pain, sedation and analgesia on databases like PubMed between 1985 and 2011. Outcome. It was possible to obtain scientific support in the literature to define fundamental aspects of ketamine therapy, not only in the specialty of anesthesiology but also in all those medical practices involved in pain control.



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Author Biographies / See

Daniel Rivera Tocancipá, Universidad Surcolombiana

MD. Anestesiólogo con entrenamiento en Anestesia Pediátrica y de Trasplantes, Docente Anestesiología.

Piedad Alexandra Susunaga Meneses, Universidad Surcolombiana

MD. Residente III Anestesiología y Reanimación.

Miguel Antonio Pérez G., Universidad Surcolombiana

MD. Residente III Anestesiología y Reanimación.

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