International practice: pedagogical accompaniment in the consolidation of reading and writing skills for students with academic lag in higher grades at the Arnulfo Castorena Vélez elementary school

Práctica internacional: acompañamiento pedagógico en la consolidación de la lectoescritura a estudiantes con rezago académico de grados superiores en la escuela primaria Arnulfo Castorena Vélez


Miguel ´´Ángel Pérez Lozano

The purpose of this article is to present a great international practical experience carried out in the Arnulfo Castorena Vélez elementary school located in the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco, Mexico, in which pedagogical accompaniment was developed for children in higher grades of elementary school with academic difficulties due to the academic lag caused by factors such as the covid-19 pandemic and the social context in which they live. In this way, these children were accompanied in order to strengthen their written production and reading comprehension with different didactic strategies and tools that would
allow them to improve their reading and writing skills and, on a large scale, to improve their communication skills. This article is a compendium of the practical cycle carried out in a popular Mexican elementary school with significant achievements and good sensations.



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