Promoción de valores éticos y prácticas de convivencia en estudiantes de décimo grado de una escuela pública del Caquetá-Colombia



This article results from a pedagical intervention that aimed to collect students' reflections on ethical values and coexistence practices through the module Democracy and Peace: Duties, which is part of the document entitled Suggested Curriculum, proposed by the Ministry of Education (2016) for the EFL (English as a foreign language) class. We conducted the intervention study at a public school in Puerto Rico – Caquetá, with a population of 29 participants, from 14 to 18 years old. Two main concerns underlying this
initiative are the lack of research related to the effect of the module on ten graders and the influence of the module on students' reflections on ethical values and coexistence practices in an EFL context. The class teacher collected data through student diaries, teacher's field notes, and students' artifacts (posters and dramatizations). Among the salient results are the students' critical reflections highlighting the importance of questioning their ethical values and coexistence practices inside and outside the classroom in favor of a positive transformation. Additionally, the student's commitment to learning English was strengthened, and their linguistic interaction, motivation, and self-awareness improved. The pedagogical approach adopted - project-based learning- proved to be an approach that enabled us to work meaningfully during the pedagogical intervention.



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