The PRAES: Analysis and Characterization in Educational Institutions of Northern Huila

Los PRAES: Análisis y Caracterización en Instituciones Educativas del Norte del Huila


Laura Milena Rondón Rivera
Adriana Yurley Pascuas Díaz
Leonel Fernando López Salinas

he PRAEs within educational institutions become an important tool to achieve environmental education that solves the problems that society has at the environmental level. Therefore, a diagnosis of the concept and approach of the PRAEs of the educational institutions of northern Huila was carried out, where 30 institutions were chosen, which were analyzed based on their main objective in relation to the activities they carry out to carry out these projects, thus finding that 80% of the PRAEs analyzed are oriented towards ecological activities and the other 20% have a more educational approach aimed at the protection of water sources and environmental culture, and although the latter are aimed at complying with the purpose that the PRAEs should have, there are very few that actually comply with what is established by the Ministry of Education. Thus, showing the need for true awareness of the purpose of the PRAEs and their correct application and that they are not just a document described to meet a requirement, but rather they are the main tool in solving environmental problems that afflict today's society.



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