Effect of garlic extract as a cold compensator in the spread of the apple red delicious in t nuevo ideal durango, region

Efecto del extracto de ajo como compensador de frio en la brotación del manzano red delicious en la región de nuevo ideal durango México


M. González Treviño
A. Quiñones Gutiérrez

The research evaluated the effects of organic and chemical cold compensators on flowering, fruit quality and productivity. The experimental design was random blocks with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. T0 = control; T1 = garlic (5 kg / 1000 l + glycerin 2 l / 1000 l); T2 = Erger ® (Organic nitrogen (1%), inorganic nitrogen (5% nitric and 5% ammoniacal) and 50% organic carbon + calcium nitrate 5 kg / 1000 L; T3 = Revent ® (Thidiazuron 200 ml / 1000l + winter mineral oil 10 l / 100) Five similar branches were identified and marked, 4 according to the cardinal points and one central.The number of flowers was evaluated, in fruits the equatorial and polar diameter with a vernier, the weight was determined with precision balance and percentage of coloration, to measure the hardness of a penetrometer, the soluble solids with a refractometer The analysis of variance and the comparison test of means (Tukey; α = 0.05) between the response variables, was performed with the statistical package of Dr. Olivares of FAUANL There were significant differences in the flowering of the treatments T1 = 178, T2 = 171, T3 = 208 with respect to the control T0 = 91. The polar and equatorial diameter of the fruit T2 was different from the rest (19.7%). The concentration of soluble solids and the hardness of the pulp did not present differences, contrary to the coloration the T1 was different to the other treatments (74.78%). In conclusion, garlic can function as a cold compensator in the Red deliciuos apple tree, however, it is less productive compared to the chemical treatments used.



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Author Biographies / See

M. González Treviño, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Estudiante de ingeniería en Sistemas Agroalimentarios

A. Quiñones Gutiérrez, Centro de bachillerato Tecnológico agropecuario

Docente Investigador CBTa No 173

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