Effect of garlic extract as a cold compensator in the spread of the apple red delicious in t nuevo ideal durango, region
The research evaluated the effects of organic and chemical cold compensators on flowering, fruit quality and productivity. The experimental design was random blocks with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. T0 = control; T1 = garlic (5 kg / 1000 l + glycerin 2 l / 1000 l); T2 = Erger ® (Organic nitrogen (1%), inorganic nitrogen (5% nitric and 5% ammoniacal) and 50% organic carbon + calcium nitrate 5 kg / 1000 L; T3 = Revent ® (Thidiazuron 200 ml / 1000l + winter mineral oil 10 l / 100) Five similar branches were identified and marked, 4 according to the cardinal points and one central.The number of flowers was evaluated, in fruits the equatorial and polar diameter with a vernier, the weight was determined with precision balance and percentage of coloration, to measure the hardness of a penetrometer, the soluble solids with a refractometer The analysis of variance and the comparison test of means (Tukey; α = 0.05) between the response variables, was performed with the statistical package of Dr. Olivares of FAUANL There were significant differences in the flowering of the treatments T1 = 178, T2 = 171, T3 = 208 with respect to the control T0 = 91. The polar and equatorial diameter of the fruit T2 was different from the rest (19.7%). The concentration of soluble solids and the hardness of the pulp did not present differences, contrary to the coloration the T1 was different to the other treatments (74.78%). In conclusion, garlic can function as a cold compensator in the Red deliciuos apple tree, however, it is less productive compared to the chemical treatments used.
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