Determination of the lethal concentration average LC (50-96) of the Bocachico and Capaz fish to the fungicide Cyproconazole used in coffee growing in the department of Huila

Determinación de la concentración letal media CL (50-96) de las especies de peces Prochilodus magdalenae y Pimelodus grosskopfii al principio activo de fungicidas Cyproconazole utilizado en el cultivo de café en el departamento del Huila.


Juan Camilo Pinto
Rubén Darío Valbuena Villarreal

Colombia evidences one of the main environmental problems and this refers to the indiscriminate use of pesticides in mining activities, dumping of wastewater, industrial activities, and inadequate agricultural practices, these compounds can reach bodies of water by leaching or runoff. The fish have the capacity to store in their organism a greater concentration of these compounds in comparison with the environment, the reason why they are an important indicator of contamination. The objective of the present study was to determine the lethal concentration average LC (50-96) of the fish species Prochilodus magdalenae "bocachico" and Pimelodus grosskopfii "capaz" under the action of the active substance Cyproconazole fungicides used in coffee growing in the department of Huila. The bioassays were conducted at the Experimental Station of Hydrobiological Resources of the Surcolombiana University, using 10 bocachico’s juveniles under the concentrations of 12.5, 14.0, 15.5 and 17.0 mg/L and 8 capaz’s juveniles under the concentrations of 6.0, 7.0 8.0 and 9.0 mg/L, three replicates for each concentration, mortality was observed for 3, 6, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of exposure. It was found that the CL (50-96) for bocachico is 15.218 mg/L and for the capaz is 6.864 mg/L, evidencing that Cyproconazole is moderately toxic to the bocachico and much more toxic to the capaz.
These results were compared with other studies with the same fungicide or with the same species showing similarities with some invertebrates and with the glyphosate herbicide. It is argued that in the long term these pesticides can potentially disturb freshwater fish species, their commercialization, and therefore the economy of fishing families in the area. It is recommended to monitor the application of pesticides in agricultural areas to avoid impacts on aquatic ecosystems.



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Author Biographies / See

Juan Camilo Pinto, Institución Educativa San Juan Bosco

Magister en Ingeniería y Gestión Ambiental, Licenciado en Ciencias Naturales y Educación Ambiental. Docente

Rubén Darío Valbuena Villarreal, Universidad Surcolombiana

Biólogo, Especialista y Magister en acuicultura, Doctor en agroindustria y desarrollo agrícola sostenible, docente


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