Analysis of fractures and characterization of joints of the Villeta formation, western sector of the Neiva sub-basin

Análisis de fracturas y caracterización de diaclasas de la formación Villeta, sector occidental de la subcuenca de Neiva


Nicole Daniela Latorre Bustos
Ingrid Natalia Muñoz Quijano

To evaluate naturally fractured reservoirs, there are different sources of information and methods that may be of limited access or high costs, especially for formations in which their level of productivity is unknown, or that have not yet been studied to determine their viability as hydrocarbon producer. Therefore, this article presents the application of an outcrop analysis method, as a source of indirect information, to characterize and determine the possible migration routes of the Hondita and Lomagorda carbonate formations belonging to the Villeta group. In the development of this characterization, the use of rectangular window-type fracture sampling strategies was implemented, through the exercise of taking structural measures, such as direction, dip, separation and spacing, over delimited areas in the outcrops of the formations of interest. With the help of the results, were identified 7 zones of joints, with a trend in low-angle courses with ranges in the northeast direction, establishing that this would be the predominance of fluid migration; giving an expectation that these data positively improve the development of the reservoirs.



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Author Biographies / See

Juan David Monje Díaz, Universidad Surcolombiana


Nicole Daniela Latorre Bustos, Universidad Surcolombiana


Ingrid Natalia Muñoz Quijano, Universidad Surcolombiana

Doctorado en geología. Universidad de Heidelberg. Docente 


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