Strengthening of the reading understanding process in fourth grade students of the Juan Pablo I educational institution of the Cúcuta city, North of Santander

Fortalecimiento del proceso de comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de cuarto grado de la institución educativa Juan Pablo I de la ciudad de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander


Magreth Villalba Santiago
Margareth Julyana Holguín Mariño

The present project was framed in a qualitative methodology under the research-action approach applied to a sample of 35 students of degree 403 of the Juan Pablo I educational institution, with the purpose of implementing the use of reading guides as a pedagogical strategy for strengthen the processes of reading comprehension and improve their school performance.

The research began by identifying the level of reading comprehension of the students, giving rise to the design and implementation of the proposal "Leo, I read where are you that I do not see you?", Which consisted of 12 interventions carried out during 4 phases: phase 1preparatory; phase 2 field work; phase 3 analytical and phase 4 informative.

The applied readings were taken from the PIRLS tests released for public use, and for its application three moments were considered: before, during and after the reading, as suggested by Graves and Graves, (2005); Solé, (1992); Block & Pressley, (2007); Schmitt & Bauman, (1990).

During the development of the phases, some limitations arose, such as: lack of connectivity and access to the computer classroom, which was the reason why each of the activities was carried out in physical form.

Finally, after applying the strategy and evaluating its effectiveness, it is possible to talk about significant advances as the students' capacity for literal, inferential and critical comprehension was improved, which is why they will be sought to be implemented in the other grades in order to strengthen the process of reading comprehension throughout the institution.

Keywords: reading comprehension, motivation to reading, didactic guides.



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Author Biography / See

Magreth Villalba Santiago, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Candidata a magister en educación


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