Announcement No. 29 -2024


The Paideia Surcolombiana Journal, from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 29 - 2024.

Convocatoria del Dossier Centenario de La Vorágine de José Eustasio Rivera


La revista Paideia Surcolombiana, de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Surcolombiana, anuncia la apertura de la convocatoria del Dossier Centenario de La Vorágine de José Eustasio Rivera. El plazo máximo para la recepción de los artículos es el 30 de abril de 2024.

Editores invitados:

Miguel Ángel Mahecha Bermúdez, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Announcement No. 28 - 2023


The Paideia Surcolombiana Journal, from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 28 - 2023.

Announcement of the Dossier centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire


The paideia Surcolombiana journal of the Education Faculty of the Universidad Surcolombiana announces the early publication of the Dossier Centenary of the birth of Paulo Freire. The deadline for the reception of documents is August 16, 2021.

Guest publishers:

Diego Fernando Pérez Trujillo, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

David Felipe Bernal Romero, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Announcement No. 27 -2022


The Paideia Surcolombiana Journal, from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 27 - 2022.

Announcement of the Special Dossier XXXV Anniversary of the Paideia Surcolombiana Journal


The Paideia Surcolombiana Journal, of the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Surcolombiana, announces the early publication of the Special Dossier on the occasion of the XXXV Anniversary of the Journal Paideia Surcolombiana and the L Anniversary of the Universidad Surcolombiana.

Guest editors:

Catalina Trujillo Vanegas, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Eliana Johana González Vargas, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.

Yury Alejandra Palacios Varón, Universidad Surcolombiana, Colombia.


Announcement No. 26 - 2021


The Paideia Surcolombiana Journal, from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 26 - 2021.

Announcement N°. 25 - 2020


Paideia Surcolombiana Journal , from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 25 - 2020.

Announcement N. 24 - 2019


Paideia Surcolombiana Journal , from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 24 - 2019.

Announcement N. 23 - 2018


Paideia Surcolombiana journal , from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 23 - 2018.

Announcement N. 22 . 2017


Paideia Surcolombiana journal, from the Faculty of Education of the Surcolombiana University, invites the scientific community to send their articles to be published in No. 22 - 2017.

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