The usage of biomass like renewable fuel

La utilización de la biomasa como combustible renovable


J. P. Valcarcel M.
F. Valcarcel M.

The evolution of different ecosystems of the tropical region of Colombia has been the result of the geographical position, of the action of the pedological and pedological factors and processes, of the climatic, tectonic and geological action of the action of the micro and macro fauna and especially of the anthropic intervention on the renewable natural resources. Some of the causes that have led, in the form of a chain reaction, to the deterioration of the environment are: the action of natural phenomena, non-technical mining, migration of the rural population to urban centers, road infrastructure, industrialization, colonization, the use of wood for energy, overgrazing, legal and illicit crops, water and soil contamination due to the use of pesticides and agrochemicals and the expansion of the agricultural frontier, among others. Agriculture is the human activity that depends more on the natural environment and has a closer relationship with it.

Naturally, agriculture has become one of the main causes of changes in the environment.



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Author Biographies / See

J. P. Valcarcel M., Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Facultad de Educación.

F. Valcarcel M., Universidad Nacional de Colombia

profesor de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Agronomía, Posgrado en Suelos.


Burbano 0, Hernán (1994). La materia orgánica del suelo en el contexto de una agricultura sostenible. Fertilidad de suelos, diagnóstico y control. Sociedad colombiana de la ciencia del suelo. Santafé de Bogotá D. C. pp. 187-217.

D. O. Hall, October (1991). Energy Policy.

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