"The curriculum deconstruction" by Nelson López Jiménez

"La de-construcción curricular" de Nelson López Jiménez


Graciela Amaya de Ochoa

It is not a casuality that in our country, in different scenarios and events where it is talked about curriculum, where it is thought about transformation, or where pedagogy alternatives are discussed  and of training and it appears the names of Nelson López and Mario Díaz. We could tell that it has been get usual, or even more needed , the presence of this professors, whether physical or through their writings. 

Also, it is not casuality that when we ask about what alternatives to propose to overcome the fragmented, hierarchical, regional, memoristic, decontextualized and theoretical character of the majority of our curriculums, and so it appears in the programs of alternative curriculum action (PACA), that in the informal language of researchers and teachers, it is named as the model of the thematic and problematic clusters. 



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