To born, to live and to die in spanish

Nacer, vivir y morir en español


Antonio Iriarte Cadena

It is, strictly, to Chirstopher Colombus and to his crew of filibusters, more than the first Congress of the Royal Academy of the Language and its corresponding Spanish-Americans, gathered in Mexico in 1951, to whom we must firstly hold that year after Year we are celebrating the language day. The solemn Hispanic event of that date, the only thing he did, in my view, was to recognize something that is transcendental for us, in short, it is just logical, because although poor Cervantes had no responsibility in the fact of dying on April 23, he does have the glory of having written in Castilian, the language we speak for curious oddness of our destiny, one of the most lucid, moving and beautiful novels of all time.



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Author Biography / See

Antonio Iriarte Cadena, Universidad Surcolombiana

Profesor titular de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con estudios principales en español, por la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (1975). Master of Arts (Literatura Española por la Universidad del Norte de Iowa, USA., (1978). Autor de la novela El Retador de Vivaldi, de La Razón Vulnerada y de diversos artículos y ensayos sobre humanidades y crítica literaria.

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