Elements for a prospective of the Colombian university

Elementos para una prospectiva de la Universidad Colombiana


Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva, Dr.

In this article,  we analyze the relations between the norms conceived from the bureaucracy of the traditional parties, which tie the future of the universities to their particular interests represented in the Superior Councils, through at least two figures: the discretionality and the Delegability, in the face of the challenges of the knowledge society that invites us to build by consensus the scenarios of future university projects where standards are supports that guarantee collective transformation. The central argument of this thesis considers that, first, the new university project of the future and its scenarios is conceived; second, the futuristic scenarios (1) of the university are arranged in a General University Assembly, (2) (as the highest democratic power body (3) university); third, the decisions assumed by the General University Assembly become norms; Fourth, the economic, scientific, technological and academic academic requisites and commitments for the transformation are established and fifth, the process of university transformation begins with the participation of the different political, academic, cultural, social and productive actors. As a case study will address the Surcolombiana University.



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Author Biography / See

Alhim Adonaí Vera Silva, Dr., southcolombian university

Doctor en Educación, Línea Educación Superior Internacional y Comparada: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México. Magíster en Investigación y tecnología Educativa: Universidad Pontificia Javeriana, Colombia. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con especialidad en Psicopedagogía: Universidad de Pamplona. Colombia. Profesor titular Universidad Surcolombiana desde 1983.


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