Ritual objects
This article is a critical text about the work of Martha Eugenia Pachón Rodríguez, graduated from the Visual Arts program of the Surcolombiana University, who currently resides and develops her creative work in Italy. This text was initially published in Faenza with a translation in Italian and English by Emma Suñol and Romana Malbasa, respectively.
1. It is included here in order to explain the images contained in this edition of Paidea Surcolombiana and, simultaneously, to disseminate the work of this artist from our Region.
Bachelar, Gastón (1994). La Poética del Espacio. Bogotá, Ed. FCE.
Chaves mendoza, Álvaro (1979). Panorama Prehistórico de la Costa Caribe Colombiana. Bogotá, Ed. Universitas Humanística Universidad Javeriana, (1979). P, 15.
Ruiz Solórzano, Jaime (2004). «OBJETOS RITUALES», Catálogo exposición MUSEO INTERNAZIONALE DELLE CERAMICHE IN FAENZA. Faenza, Ed. Circolo Degli Artisti, 29 noviembre 2003-11, enero 2004, pág. 15-25.
Vasconcelos, José. La Raza Cósmica. México, Ed. Espasa-Calpe, (1976). (N. E. publicado por primera vez en 1925).