International meeting of neurosciences and neuropsychology, usco, October 9,10 and 11 of 2008

Encuentro internacional de neurociencias y neuropsicología, usco, octubre 9,10 y 11 de 2008


Licet Katerine Suárez

For a long time, the human being has been the subject of study by different academic disciplines and has been approached from different perspectives, such as spiritual, physiological, behavioral, philosophical, linguistic, anthropological, cognitive, the biological, among many others. In our times, we observe that a fundamental organ of study of the human being is the BRAIN; hence a whole series of dichotomies that inevitably involve human behavior, among which we can cite the attitude of aggressiveness and passivity, love and hate, good and evil, the desire and disinterest in something or someone, the light and darkness of thought.

We insist, the interest of specialists in most scientific fields for the brain and nervous system is not something recent: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Descartes, Diderot, La Mettrie, Maine de Biran, etc., talked a lot about it. However, major developments began to manifest themselves from the second half of the nineteenth century with the works of Flourens, Broca, Wernicke, Helmholtz and especially Santiago Ramón y Cajal who was the first to describe the brain organization and neuronal connections and this allowed the brain to become not only an object of biological study but also philosophical.



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Author Biography / See

Licet Katerine Suárez, Universidad Surcolombiana


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