San Agustín: from the ancestral litolenguajeros to the disutopic Colombian co-creators in the 21st century

San Agustín: de los utópicos ancestrales litolenguajeros a los disutópicos co-creadores Colombianos siglo XXI


José Uriel Leal Zabala

In the first work of the year 2006 on the pedagogical practice realized in the ancestral place of San Agustín, with the students of third semester of Degree and that I called: "A PERCEPTION OF THE MITOPOETIC WORLD AND COSMOGÓNIC THOUGHT OF THE ANCESTRAL LITOLENGUAJEROS OF THE HUILA", invited , at that time, both the students and the teachers who participated in this research practice to write about the experience and, as a result of these reflections, we dared to present solutions to the problems that afflict our Western community, and in the process they will lead us towards the reconstruction of the Colombian Identity.



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Author Biography / See

José Uriel Leal Zabala, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Docente Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

Carlos, Uribe Selis: The pillars of a new utopia. On the other Colombia.Palimpsest Magazine No. 4.National University of Colombia, Bogotá 2004.

Ethics is thus the exclusion of utopia as an affirmation of alienation, and in any case, the assumption of flat trend of the relationship between crowds and power. Antonio Negri. The constituent power: Essays on the alternatives of modernity, Madrid, Prodhufi, 1994, pag. 391.

Exile. see the excellent essay by Freddy Tellez, 2003 "Sartre, Heidegger, Sloterdijk, or the controversy of humanism" in Almargen (Bogotá): 7y8, September and December, p. 57-87.

Gabriel Restrepo: Dancing on the tightrope of Utopia: Palimpsest Magazine No. 4. National University of Colombia, Bogotá 2004.

Pseudoneoliberal say because there are four large and powerful exceptions to the theory of "free" market:first, regulation of migration flows, and second, the definition of prohibited drugs as an evil, which the more expensive as a desired commodity prices artificially inflated, third, the amount of agricultural subsidies would have to free trade and fourth, the "invisible hand" that regulates the market, that it is God, but the control bound to cyber security: Pentagon and Microsoft, for example, Falconview project design, staged in Iraq.

Robert. K. Merton. 1973, The sociology of science. Theoretical and empirical research. Madrid, Alianza, two volumes.

Sigmund Freud, Thoughts for the Times on War and Death, incomplete Works, Volume II, Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 1973 pág. 2103.

Valencia, Alberto. Gutiérrez. Marx and the utopia of a new society.Palimpsest Magazine No. 4 .National University of Colombia, Bogotá 2004. Pág. 76-83.

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