Widening the Present

Ensanchando el Presente


Mario Alberto Méndez Ramírez
The text to be presented next is the result of a reflective work originated in my participation as a jury in the 6th International Biennial of University Visual Art, convened by the School of Arts of the Autonomous University of Mexico State. This reflection was an important exercise to complement the decision which, as juries, took Nicole Everaert - Desmedt from Belgium; Pilar Villela Mascaró from the Federal District, and myself, since we were asked for it to be presented before an audience, partially comprised of some participants of the Biennial and the academic community of the institution organizing the event. In that sense, I hope that the reflections presented in here to be of some utility for the analysis of the processes of legitimation that in many occasions remain in the dark and therefore, mythologize the value of the works of art and the art itself.


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Author Biography / See

Mario Alberto Méndez Ramírez, Universidad Nueva León de Monte Rey

Magister en Educación por el Arte. Decano de la Facultad de Artes Visuales. Universidad Nueva León de Monte Rey. México.


AAW (2003) Cream 3: contemporary art in culture. New York: Phaidon.

Bourdieu, Pierre (2004) Los herederos: los estudiantes y la cultura. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI. Catálogo de la sexta emisión de la Bienal Internacional de Arte Visual Universitario (2013) Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

Miranda y Villalobos (compiladores) (2013). Bienales de arte: referentes teóricos. Toluca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.

Santos, Boaventura de Souza (2006) La Universidad en el siglo XXI: para una reforma democrática y emancipadora de la universidad. La Habana: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Américas.

Santos, Boaventura de Souza (2009) Una epistemología del Sur. México, Siglo XXI, CLACSO.

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