ICT, literacy and education in the knowledge society
The transformations arised by mediations
The incursion of the New Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) in the different scenarios of everyday life has brought about profound transformations, generating opportunities, uncertainties and challenges that may become difficult to assume, if you do not have the knowledge, skills and values required.
The digital environment that surrounds the lives of children and young people has not only facilitated and promoted new forms of communication, but has transformed those practices, including reading and conventional-analogical writing, which prevailed for a prolonged period of time. the history of humanity.
Cassany (2000) points out the most important particularities of this digitalized world, from which new generalized scriptural practices have been conceived and rooted in the Internet communities, which favor an instantaneous, continuous, efficient and effective communication. These particularities refer to aspects such as instantaneity and simultaneity, hypertextuality, intertextuality; the appearance of new genres; the opening of the text and the dilution of the author, among others.
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