Game and attention deficit ... the biology of knowledge and human motives

Juego y déficit atencional ludanzas de la biología del conocer y la motricidad humana


Sergio Alejandro Toro Arévalo
Sebastián Claro Tagle
This paper aims situate, discuss and propose a dialogue between the distinctions that are very present within the context of the current Chilean education from the Biology‟s of Knowledge and human motricity from the complex and phenomenological perspective (Sergio, 2015; Trigo, 2015, Toro, 2015). In this context, attention deficit disorder and the game will be addressed in particular and consecutively to contemplate a conceptual basis that let us to establish an understanding and eventual any relevant inferences that allow redirect behavioral changes in the operational sensorimotor deployment and author's relational inside its own living.
The sense of developing this work is re-signify the Disorder Attention Deficit and Game so used in the schoolchild's talks and education system in general to induce new forms and disciplinary approaches closer to the conditions and characteristics of living of girls and boys in ADHD situation. Not only as a functional interest or effective, but rather existential and consistent with our condition of human being in an auto poetic- relational becoming.


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Author Biographies / See

Sergio Alejandro Toro Arévalo, Universidad Austral de Chile

Doctor en ciencias de la educación mención didáctica Docente

Universidad Austral de Chile.

Sebastián Claro Tagle, Universidad Austral de Chile

Doctor en ciencias humanas

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