Construction of the Nation-State, production of national identity and expression of values in the ritual cycle of the public school


Evelyn Margarita Vera Flández Colegio Adventista de Valdivia, Chile.

According to the importance of schools in today's societies as trainers of their citizens, the present descriptive research analyzes, from a socio-semiotic view, the way in which the selection of the milestone or motives, privileged by public schools within the ritual calendar they support the ritual practices, likewise, that give spaces and provide instances to the members of the educational communities, particularly students, the construction of the nation-state, the expression of values ​​and the production of national identity. Within the framework of this investigation, we will understand milestones or motives at the different dates celebrated or commemorated in public institutions that characterize the ritual calendar, namely, the schedule of activities developed outside the traditional curriculum and that make up the hidden curriculum of each establishment. Within this context, secondary sources of information were used and a bibliographic review was carried out, which gave rise to the analysis of four milestones or motifs: July 9th to 10th Flag Day, April 27rd, Carabinero Day, May 21st Naval Glory-Day and September 18th Commemoration of the first National Governing board. These milestones are selected primarily for their high symbolic load and expression of social values ​​that involve a number of actors, who express ideologies based on the expression of common social traditions.



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Author Biography / See

Evelyn Margarita Vera Flández, Colegio Adventista de Valdivia, Chile.

Profesora en comunicación el lengua inglesa graduada de la Universidad Austral de Chile, universidad donde el año 2017 también recibió el grado de Magister en comunicación. La señorita Vera cuenta con experiencia en docencia en enseñanza pre-escolar, primer y segundo ciclo así como tambien en enseñanza superior. Sus intereses en investiación incluyen el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera e identidad, inclusión de TICs en el aula y teorías socioculturales.

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