Sound environments of learning: a didactic strategy that promotes environmental education

Ambientes sonoros de aprendizaje: una estrategia didáctica que promueve la educación ambiental


José Leonardo Ruiz Méndez

The present paper gathers an experience of applied environmental education in the courses of history of the contemporary music, history of the colombian art and didactics of the music, the first two pertaining to the degree in artistic and cultural education and the last one to the degree in education child of the Surcolombiana University. The research aims, on the one hand, to sensitize students about the environmental crisis derived from the current development model, as well as the causes that have caused it. In the same way, it seeks to implement in the classroom the didactic strategy called Sound Environments of Learning (SEL) as a pedagogical alternative that focuses on the Geopoetics of Living, as it links the classroom with the understanding of the cultural and ecosystem environments in relation to the individual and collective writings that human beings do on the planet. The methodology implemented is of a qualitative type with a descriptive focus, contemplating the development of six phases through which the meeting of the three groups of students where one of these is responsible for preparing the SEL sample is encouraged. The results obtained show a definition of Sound Environments of Learning, likewise, the way in which the activities were carried out, the contributions that provide to the formation of the students, and finally the learning achieved manifested by the surveyed student body.



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Author Biography / See

José Leonardo Ruiz Méndez, Surcolombian University

Candidato a doctor en educación y cultura ambiental, Licenciado en Música. Especialista en Comunicación y Creatividad para la docencia. Magìster en Educación.


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