Problem-Based Learning (ABP) as a strategy to strengthen scientific skills in natural sciences

Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) como estrategia para fortalecer las competencias científicas en ciencias naturales


Lisbeth Karime Guerrero Flórez


The  following  research  was  based  on  the  problem  and  the  difficulties  that students of fifth grade at Antonio Nariño school had in the Saber 5 Test in the Natural  Science  subject.  The  proposal  was  aimed  at  strengthening  scientific competences  through  the  problem-based  learning  teaching  strategy  (ABP),  to strengthen  the  scientificcompetencies  assessed  by  ICFES  in  the  area.  These competences are the comprehensive use of scientific knowledge, the explanation of phenomena and inquiry. The methodology that was used is the research action under  the  qualitative  approach,  a  process  whichwas  carried  out  through  the presentation of a diagnostic test, the results of which served as the basis for the planning of activities in teaching sequences, its implementation in the classroom through the didactic strategy of the (ABP) and the analysis of the results that led to a reflection that  allowed to  formulate new activities to improve the learning process.  It  was  concluded  that  the  scientific  competencies  evaluated  by  ICFES were  strengthened  by  the  ABP's  didactic  strategy,  as  it  permitted  studentsto develop  scientific,  critical  and  thoughtful  thinking,  namely,integral  students, aimed at improving their quality of life and communities.



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