Strengthening of the reading and writing process through the Glenn Doman method and parental involvement, in first grade students of the Gonzálo Rivera Laguado School

Fortalecimiento del proceso lectoescritor mediante el método Glenn Doman y participación de los padres, en estudiantes de grado primero del colegio Gonzálo Rivera Laguado


Yashin Smith Moreno Moreno
María Eugenia Serrano Acevedo

The main objective of the present research was to strengthen the literacy process through the Glenn Doman method with parental participation, in first grade students of the Gonzalo Rivera Laguado School, Cúcuta, Colombia. This study corresponds to a participant research-action, formed in chapters that demonstrate the problem and their respective solutions. The design of the research was developed through the following stages: Construction of the work route and design of instruments, interviewing key informants and interpretation of the information, which was carried out through the initial and emerging categorization, the general population of the School Consists of 1173 students, for the study in question the population was represented by 29 students attending the first grade, and proportionally the number of parents and representatives, the sample was six parents equally for the case of students. The reading process of the students was strengthened by increasing their comprehension capacity to read and write words and sentences using the Glen Doman method, while the participative actions of the parents increased, demonstrating that the teaching strategies implemented in the proposal influence significantly in the appropriation of the method and the contribution of teaching techniques applied in the home. Finally, the results of the project were socialized with the educational community and the project was left immersed in an institutional improvement plan that will be implemented in all the areas, courses and venues of the Educational Institution.



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Author Biographies / See

Yashin Smith Moreno Moreno, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Candidato a magister en educación

María Eugenia Serrano Acevedo, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

Candidata a doctora en educación con énfasis en mediación pedagógica


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