Teach history: the challenge of forming critical and reflective students

Enseñar historia: el desafío de formar estudiantes críticos y reflexivos


María Gabriela Pauli, Dra

Writing about the teaching of History is always problematizing. Problematize on the one hand, because the educational task is an extremely complex practice and linear views do not fit; problematize because History, while it deals with men, their actions, their decisions, the social, economic, political and cultural structures that they have developed over time, is also a discipline of a very well-known density and complexity.

The aim of this article is to reflect on the possibilities of teaching History to favor the critical and reflective thinking of our high school students. We will do so by placing ourselves in Argentine education for two reasons: first, it is not possible to write from anywhere, as historians, we know that all processes are located and this does not escape that condition. Second, because it is the reality we know, and on which we can reflect. The desire is that these lines serve to help think the teaching of History in other scenarios, with the particularities of each one of them based on certain common elements that enable a situated experience to be shared.



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Author Biography / See

María Gabriela Pauli, Dra, Catholic University of Santa Fe of Argentina

Doctora en educación y doctora en historia - Universidad Católica de Santa Fe de Argentina


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