The invisibility of women in the academy

La invisibilización de las mujeres en la academia


Angie Vanessa Medina Zapata

Through this essay, I question that psychology, especially, despite constituting a feminized field at an educational and professional level is characterized by practices of territorial and hierarchical segregation by sex. In this discipline, as in many others, (of which I mention three: literature, science, and education) patriarchy makes the historical contributions of women invisible and marginalizes them from their well-deserved recognition. I will argue that since psychology is a discipline and profession mainly cultivated by women, the fact that men are the protagonists in the academic world, has no other explanation than a gender bias or, more exactly, sexist discrimination that ignores the female work in this field.

It is pertinent to clarify that my objective is not to polarize the situation and fall into another "ism". It is not about denying the contributions of men, it is not a battle between feminism and machismo or a victimizing position; On the contrary, the purpose of this essay is to make visible the contributions of women that have been considered by the system as patriarchy as secondary throughout history or have not been recognized at all.



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